1.4 Development

Hi, I've got some more changes and some gifs!

Change Log
  • Added kick and punch aerials that affect vertical and horizontal movement respectively
  • Added an aerial kick sound effect
  • Added ability to jump on top of enemies' heads, bouncing you up and knocking them back
  • Added a main menu with two map options
  • Added a large map that allows the player to mess around with the mechanics better
  • Added a cap on the hit lag so it doesn't get ridiculous
  • Made it so the arena borders reset your sprint speed

I was trying to give the game a more specific move set and add some mechanics that allow for the player to play speedily.

What's To Come

I have the button for options, so that's a clear next task. I also plan to make a load of new art when I reach around update 1.9. Right now I'm just working on game play. I have been debating adding larger levels that have more of a structure (like a real video game!) It would allow for more features, I'll probably make a test level and see how it goes. As I mentioned in my last larger post, I said that I wanted to add more enemy variety, and I'm still going to do that.


I've been really wanting to make the game faster, right, so I've been trying to make it so the player doesn't get punished for actually going fast. So I added the two aerials, and while the punch actually gets you going fast, the kick can help keep you there. It acts as a weak double jump and it's purpose is to allow you maneuver or stall for that purpose. Another addition made to aid the maintenance of speed was the head jump: it gives you a fallback just in case you overextend where if you toss yourself in a crowd you can jump on your enemies' heads. Both of those mechanics work together to help the player be able to take overextending actions and gives them tools to get out of the dangers that arise from said overextension.

Feedback Points
  • How do you feel about the new kit changes/additions?
    • Too fast?
  • Please tell me anything that looks like a glitch
  • What arena do you prefer?




Beachfront Fighter -- 1.4 10 MB
Apr 15, 2023

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